Compass Books Call For Submissions

Compass Books is a publisher looking for authors who write instructional books. So if you're a writer who speaks at conferences or workshops about your chosen discipline, this publisher may be a good fit for you. They have international authors on their books and are interested in writers who tutor in how-tos like travel, sport, food, writing etc.

You need to submit your manuscript through their website or email (a short proposal). There's a submission form on the site and I would use this in the first instance if I were making an application.
Just so you're prepared, you'll need to send a synopsis, opening chapters, author biography, and full chapter breakdowns (so create this if you haven't got one).

Having read parts of the site, I have a feeling that Compass Books are looking to publish authors who're public speakers or who've been published before. At any rate, they seem to want to attract writers with an already established fan base. See their submission guidelines here. You can also see their submission form here.

Let me know what the outcome of your application is if you make a submission to Compass Books. See the call for submissions page here for more opportunities.


Self Sagacity August 5, 2013 at 3:29 PM  

That is interesting. They want people with a fan base because of the speaking crowd as well. Good to know.

Anne's a published author, freelance writer and experienced editor. She's just signed her second publishing contract this year with 2 separate publishing houses. You can hire her or see her available books in the side panel on the right.
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