Reverse Google Pagerank Algorithm
Reverse Google Pagerank Algorithm seems to be some sort of made up term to get high-ranking sites to link to various spam websites and suck some of their hard-earned pagerank.
Have you received this letter? I just wanted to give you the heads-up. If you receive the following letter or anything like it, please do your research before adding any links to your site. If you know anything about an actual reverse Google pagerank algorithm please let me know so that I can update this post.
(Name removed) I just wanted to drop you a line and invite you
to be a link partner for our website (name removed).
I've found your website with the "reverse google pagerank
algorithm" which indicates that we both would get better google
rankings, when we exchange links.
I've already gone ahead and added your site
to our link directory, could you please verify the description
before it will go life {sic} at: (link removed)
to be a link partner for our website (name removed).
I've found your website with the "reverse google pagerank
algorithm" which indicates that we both would get better google
rankings, when we exchange links.
I've already gone ahead and added your site
to our link directory, could you please verify the description
before it will go life {sic} at: (link removed)
There is no site (that I can find) like the one this guy mentioned. As far as I could see, there's also nothing called Reverse Google Pagerank Algorithm. In fact, Google has specifically advised against link exchanges.
Have you received any emails mentioning reverse Google pagerank algorithm from this company? If so, did you add their link to your site?
I received quite a few of these emails, and they all went into the Spam box! I am terrified of clicking on sites like this for fear of viruses.
Darn! Why didn't I think of that? haha
I'm with you, Icy. Just clicking on the links can sometimes harm your computer - let alone anything else.
GL, you're too decent for that kind of thing. I've read your articles and follow your blog. You're all 'above board'.
I did not get an email like this. It is usually obvious it's a scam though.
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