5 Things I'd Sacrifice To Keep My Internet Connection
With the credit crunch in full swing, we all have to make heart-wrenching choices and tough sacrifices to keep spending less. If it came to a point where you had to sacrifice 5 things in 2011, would they include your Internet connection?
Here in the UK, there are more dodgy cuts in the budget than in a grubby, back street salon. Each family has got to sacrifice quite a few things. With student fees rising and pensions plans evaporating, saving for the future has become an absolute necessity. Of all the things we have to give up, I wonder how many people are willing to sacrifice their Internet
connection. I can’t think of one family I know who would be willing to give their Internet up. I know that as a writer and blogger, I simply would not.
Here in the UK, there are more dodgy cuts in the budget than in a grubby, back street salon. Each family has got to sacrifice quite a few things. With student fees rising and pensions plans evaporating, saving for the future has become an absolute necessity. Of all the things we have to give up, I wonder how many people are willing to sacrifice their Internet
Here are the five things I’m willing to sacrifice in order to keep my Internet connected. What are yours?
Going out for meals
Going out for meals
Now, we don’t do this often. In fact, we only manage to go out when my sister or my in-laws come over for a visit. However, I’d readily give up a few meals out in favour of keeping our Internet intact.
I’d rather not buy any music, online, or otherwise again. As long as it means the Internet can stay.
Birthday/Christmas presents
I would certainly forgo my birthday or Christmas presents every year, in favour of the Internet connection.
I would certainly forgo my birthday or Christmas presents every year, in favour of the Internet connection.
I don’t go very often, but if it means I have to watch movies on TV from now on to keep the Internet, bring on the couch and homemade popcorn!
And this one stings! Internet connection or shoes? Internet wins hands down.
How about you? What would you be prepared to sacrifice in favour of your Internet connection?
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Ooh, great post Anne! I can't not cut out internet connection for the same reasons as yours.
Five things I would give up for my internet connection are:
1) cut out my tv cable bill.
2) cut down on household supplies items.
3) Won't buy cat litter for JoJo's bunny, but use scrap paper instead for her droppings, which we are doing right now.
4) Cut down on cellphone usage!
5) Cut down on driving around.
It will be hard, but these sacrifices are worth my internet connection.
Ouch, Icy. That hurts! Those are all desirable things, but as you said, it's *not* the Internet that's going to get cut.
For the most part, I have already foregone those items, so I must get busy and earn the money to pay for the internet. I would go down kicking and screaming before I would pull the plug. lol
I would not want to cut off my internet connection as I have become way too dependent on it. Some things I would cut and have been planning on cutting:
1. Newspaper -- The Los Angeles Times has little of interest to offer to me anymore other than the Sudoku and Crossword puzzles.
2. Eating out -- I get too much fast food which I do not really enjoy that much.
3. Satellite TV -- not entirely, but cut back on some of the services and extra rooms that are rarely used for watching TV.
4. Music, DVDs, and books -- I've already cut back, but I still buy impulsively sometimes and have too many in the house.
5. Netflix -- It doesn't amount to much at all, but I have a lot of unwatched DVDs and videos that I could catch up on.
Internet definitely stays!
Tossing It Out
I knew I wasn't on my own in this. The Internet is definitely something us writers depend on.
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I don't even have a connection yet,not to talk of sacrificing.
Biz & Tech Opportunity
I have cut down on a lot of stuff my self already. Have not worked a full time job in over 3 years. Only PT.
Only go to Starbucks now once a day used to be 3 times. Do most of my online work there. one coffee a day and 2hours later.
Movies we have cut that out, still have cable. Going out for dinner once a month instead of weekly.
We have to take in paperwork twice a week for the build we manage, leave the car at home and take the bus, only $2.75 round trip, it cost us $5.00 round trip by car.
My internet is terrible these last few weeks, and I'm very frustrated. Ready to cut it all out together!
I guess we will have to cut down on lots of things though when it come to the final decision..
Congrats on your article being on Technorati. I would sacrifies all the above mention and more. We can not live without internet period. So even if I have to give up more things, sell them off, I must keep the internet.
The Internet, being the place where I met my favorite author, (Ian Taylor, author of Spindle), whom I subsequently married, is a part of our family. Since Ian has lived in the US for nearly 13 years. it's good that he can send as much e-mail as he wants to his family back in Australia. We send them digital photos of our kids. Had the Internet not brought Ian into my life, perhaps no one would have been beside me in April of 2003 when I had a massive seizure. He called 911, and I am alive today because Ian was there. (It was an enormous brain tumor that had caused the seizure.) I love the Internet, first because it brought me love and saved my life and second because the human race no longer has to live with boredom or without information.
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