Does Facebook Send Traffic To Your Blog
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I have 3 of my blogs networked to Facebook
. All my new posts are automatically posted on my Facebook profile minutes after I click the 'publish' button on my blog. At first I was very excited to get hooked up with this because I'd heard many bloggers extol the importance of linking your site to Facebook. After all, according to Alexa rankings, Facebook is the number 2 most visited site on the Internet! It makes sense therefore, to try to squeeze some of that traffic juice for yourself, right?
While this makes sense theoretically, I wonder how much of it carries any practical weight. I have linked up my blogs to Google
analytics so I can check my daily traffic, know where it's coming from and where it's going when it leaves. This is a foolproof way of managing your sites, and of knowing your audience so you're aware of what they're looking for on your blog. According to these figures, for every 1,000 visitors I get on my blog, an average of 1 (yes that is one as in, singular) comes from Facebook.
I wonder if this is because people tend to read the posts (if they do read them) from the Facebook link-up, or if they don't bother at all. This is why I'm going to conduct an experiment today. I'm going to delete one of my sites from Facebook Networked blogs, but I won't say which one. I'll manually put up links of my new post in my Facebook 'new updates' panel. Potential readers will have to actually click on it to read the link which will be directed to my blog page. I will leave the other blogs
the way they are now, and at the end of the month, I'll compare the traffic to see if there is any change. I'll let you know what happens when I've collated all the figures.
Have you got your blog networked to Facebook? If so, do you see any significant traffic to your blog from that site? If you're a new blogger our How Do I Blog page - full of blogging tutorials will be of use to you.
I have 3 of my blogs networked to Facebook
While this makes sense theoretically, I wonder how much of it carries any practical weight. I have linked up my blogs to Google
I wonder if this is because people tend to read the posts (if they do read them) from the Facebook link-up, or if they don't bother at all. This is why I'm going to conduct an experiment today. I'm going to delete one of my sites from Facebook Networked blogs, but I won't say which one. I'll manually put up links of my new post in my Facebook 'new updates' panel. Potential readers will have to actually click on it to read the link which will be directed to my blog page. I will leave the other blogs
Have you got your blog networked to Facebook? If so, do you see any significant traffic to your blog from that site? If you're a new blogger our How Do I Blog page - full of blogging tutorials will be of use to you.
Mine aren't linked. I used to sometimes post links to articles I had written on Triond but I do not think people actually went and read the article. I confess I get links to posts from some of my friends too but I don't bother reading unless I am really interested in the topic.
I have my blogs linked up to Facebook, but I really don't see any significant traffic come from it..
I can't wait for the result Anne..Hope you are feeling better!
Loree and Icy, I'm thinking there's a pattern to this. Hopefully I'll be able to sort this out once and for all when the trial period is over.
Icy, I'm still weak and feeling ill, but better than before. Thanks for asking.
that's a great idea!
a problem i have is that i don't know how
to edit from my saved drafts. since i write
many weeks in advance, there are alway
some editing needs.
so i publish, then edit. during that time i
will lose 2-3 comments. i know this b/c
they will show up in my email but not on
my blog.
it's frustrating.
i am looking forward to your experiment.
Try going to your blog dashboard and see if you can 'publish' your comments from there.
I see about 200-300 visitors from Facebook every day. Most probably come from my facebook Fan page:
Sounds like a good idea. Think you'll have some interesting finding afterward. Can't wait to learn about your results.
Content, network, consistency. I enjoy Facebook helping me in blogging, while opening up new career for me at the same time. But it's always good to test a bit, find out how it can best assist in driving traffic to main site.
Social/Blogging Tracker
Anne, networking sites are not really useful for me, as I have not the time to commit to socializing. It is either write or socialize, not both. I am way behind in comments at Triond and from our blogging buddies.
What I want to know is if you are feeling better. Take care & God bless.
Ching Ya, I'll let you know how this pans out. I really hope to have something conclusive at the end of the experiment.
Thanks, Judy. I'm still feeling weak and unwell, but trying to carry on and do my normal tasks.
I know what you mean, being stretched for time. I feel like that sometimes too. I suppose in the end, the writing always wins!
Hi Ann, I agree with you about FaceBook, my FB friends do not go to my blog because I linked up to network blog. I think because they can read it from FaceBook, which defeats the purpose of Networking Blog to FB don't you think? I have been thinking of the same lines, I need to do something about it....How can I manually link in an effective manner? Have you figured this out, would love to hear from you. Thanks.
Just use the nav bar on the top of your blog page. They are standard with Blogger, but if you've had yours removed, ask Icy to put it back. She's helped me find mine when it went missing. It's a very useful tool.
On the navbar, you'll notice to the left, an option that says 'share'. Click on this and it will give you FB as one of the options to share to. It's a simple link.
Otherwise, you can go to FB and paste the url link in your profile box. Add a picture too if you like.
Here is an article to support this you may like to read.
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