How To Customise Feedjit Widget On Your Blog
A feedjit wiget looks like this.
A feedjit widget is a simple addition on your blog that shows you, in real time, the visitors to your blog page. Among other things, it shows you how long your visitors stayed, where they went when they left, and where they came from. This is extremely useful in planning your posts, gauging your visitor's trends and showing you what sources work best for your blog. (This means that if you can tell where your blog traffic is coming from, you can direct your energies into promoting your blog in that arena).
First of all, for those who find it a bit difficult to insert a Feedjit widget into your blog, I will describe briefly what to do. The following link will take you to the Free Feedjit widget site.
There are different ways of getting this widget on your blog but I found this one an easy option.
- Choose the one you like. I recommend 'Live Traffic Feed' which is the first one on the list.
- Copy the code in the box. It begins something like this: script type="text/javascript"...
- Go to your blog's dashboard.
- Click on 'Layout.'
- From your layout page, choose, 'Add a gadget.' The page that comes up looks like this:
- Choose the 4th one down (on Blogger). It says, 'HTML/JavaScript.'
- Once this gadget is open, paste the code you copied from the Feedjit website into the space. In the heading you could write something like, 'Feedjit.' This is only to help you identify which widget is which, when you're tidying up your blog's layout.
- Hover your cursor over the HTML panel and drag and drop it where you want it to be positioned on your blog.
- Save your work.
- Give it some time to start recording your visitors.
Of course you can implement Google Analytics on your blog as this measures much more data for you. However if you're a new blogger, Feedjit may be the best way to start finding your way around. After Feedjit starts recording your traffic, feel free to click on any of the sites to see where your visitors are coming from and why.
Now let's get back to customising Feedjit on your blog.We're using the same web page as above.
- Under the heading, 'Live Traffic Feed' choose 'click here to customise it.'
- There are a range of colours, grouped under different themes. Click on the one you want.
- As long as you have the combination you want, you can change the intensity of any of your chosen colours. Do this by clicking on the corresponding square, then toggle the 'plus' sign that appears on each colour panel you click on.
- Adjust the width of your widget.
- Now copy and paste the script into your blog (as described above) and you're done.
Update: To insert your image into Feedjit, go to the page linked above and create a Feedjit ID. It's easy, quick and totally free. Once you've done this, upload an image and choose to link it to your twitter or facebook profile page.
If you want your image linked to your own website or blog, it costs about $5.00 per month. If this is useful for you, it's best to buy a year's subscription because this is by far the better deal. You will need to upgrade your ID to do this. This is done with the click of a button.
See our How Do I Blog page for more helpful Blogging tutorials.
See our How Do I Blog page for more helpful Blogging tutorials.

Awesome post, Anne! Retweet..
Thanks, Icy.
Hi Anne,
Is this your first tutorial post? Well done! I'm sure a lot of other Blogger users would love to read about it. Considered RT-ed. :) Will share it on FB page too.
Social/Blogging Tracker
Thanks, Anne. You've done all the hard work for us.
ya. nice post .. think it will help all the bloggers.Because bloggers want to know more about their visitors.
Great tutorial!
(Icy took care of this part for us)
Hi Ching Ya. It's not the first. I'm catering for people who've just come into the blogging business.
thank you its a vevry informative site..
God bless
Have been using Feedjit for years. Love it.
Great tool. I have been using feedjit for years.
great tool
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